

WARREN SMITH is seemingly rescued by a urban mastermind at the age of twelve, only to be converted into a fearless enforcer for the Family by age sixteen. An exit from the street life was never a reality for him until one dark evening on Macombs Road, in the Bronx, a murder mystery changes everything.

MARRISA HALL, sauntering home from a local bodega one dim summer evening, ends up in the wrong place at the right time. This encounter is life changing, not just for her, but for everyone in her young orbit. Marissa is very easy on the eyes, and possesses just enough charisma and personality to speak volumes without ever saying a word. When things get sketchy she proves to be more gangster than some of the characters in her hood.

Originally from the Bronx, New York, Boog "Tysheem" Deniro is the author of eight novels, and the creator of Street Generals Publishing. He has over 10,000 books in print "independently", accomplished while fighting a wrongful conviction. To learn more about this prolific writer, check out "Jason Flom with Tysheem Crocker" #330 on Apple Podcasts.

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